Conditions Consistent with the Premises Operating Schedule
1. Suitable numbers of door staff registered with the Security Industry Authority (SIA) must be employed from 8.00 pm (or from the commencement of regulated entertainment which ever is the later) until after the end of permitted hours on any day that regulated entertainment is planned to takes place on the premises and continuing after 12 midnight.
2. All doorstaff must:
(a) Be correctly registered with the SIA
(b) Display the correct name badge
(c) Carry proof of registration
(d) Be used at a ratio to be agreed by the Police and Local Authority, which is currently 1:75
(e) A female supervisor will be available if searches are to be conducted on female customers
(f) Must wear clothing that can be easily and clearly identifiable on CCTV - i.e. wear a reflective number between 1 and 99 (at least 100mm high) in a prominent position on the upper part of the body
(g) Must be in attendance at the entrance of the premises from 8.00 pm (or from the commencement of regulated entertainment which ever is the later) until the main exit doors to the premises are closed, and any time when patrons may be queuing for access
3. CCTV must be installed, maintained and operated to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer of Police and Local Authority.
4. Recordings must be maintained for an appropriate period of time (generally one month - but to be agreed with Police and Local Authority).
5. If the CCTV equipment is inoperative, the Police and Local Authority must be informed as soon as possible and immediate steps will be taken to put the equipment back into action.
6. A notice must be displayed at the entrance to the premises advising that CCTV is in operation.
7. When sports events are shown on a big screen in the licensed premises a table service must be provided.
8. When appropriate certain events must be classed as ticket only events with access only being granted on production of a ticket.
9. The maximum capacity for the premises must not be permitted to be exceeded.
10. Suitable, prominent, clear and legible notices must be displayed at all exits requesting patrons’ co-operation in leaving the premises and vicinity as quietly and quickly as possible.
11. All external tables and chairs must be removed and stored away after 10.00 pm
12. The Designated Premises Supervisor must ensure that the public using the premises at all times have access to a telephone to call a taxi and will be provided with details of telephone numbers to call a taxi when required.
13. There must be a minimum of a 30 minute ‘wind down’ period following the end of a function during which time appropriate ‘wind down’ music will be played.
14. Management must control the sound levels of the music/entertainment.
15. The delivery of goods is restricted to the normal working day and in particular not before 8.00 am.
16. A proof of age policy, to the satisfaction of the police and the Local Authority, must be in place.
17. Notices must be displayed in the vicinity of any amusement with prizes machines installed in the premises prohibiting use by persons under the age of 18 years.
18. Children under the age of 18 years old must not be permitted in the area at which the performance of adult entertainment is being held.
19. The manager or senior member of staff must check the premises prior to opening and periodically whilst the premises are open to ensure there are no risks to patrons and that all safety precautions are in place.
20. The Licence Holder must, at least 14 days prior to the event, give notice in writing to both the Licensing Authority and the Police that non standard timings relating to major international events being held outside the European Union and outside normal permitted hours are intended to be operated at the premises.
21 When non standard timings relating to major international events being held outside the European Union and outside normal permitted hours are being operated at the premises adequate numbers of trained and qualified door supervisors must be employed at the discretion of the Licence Holder from thirty minutes prior to the event until one hour after the event.
22. The licensable activities authorised by this licence must be confined to the area(s) which are outlined in RED on the plan deposited with and approved by the Licensing Authority except where specifically confined by description within the licence to specific areas of the premises.