Prevention of Crime & Disorder
The premises are secured 24 hours a day with limited access via a video door entry system. Each development is managed by a dedicated Estate or House Manager, who is responsible for the care and wellbeing of all homeowners. The development, mature nature of the customer base, and the care provision is designed to prevent an environment where crime and disorder has no place. In the extremely unlikely event, staff are on hand and a 24-hour emergency call system is in place.
The sale of alcohol in the development is very limited and is supported by dining facilities and an extensive range of cold soft drinks and hot beverages.
Chilled tap water is always available as standard.
It is rare that anyone under the age of 18 to frequent the premises. On occasions, younger family members may visit homeowners and, in such circumstances, unless attending a meal, they are unlikely to go to an area where alcohol is served. If dining, the youngster will be under the supervision of both the homeowner and other responsible adults.
The premises will operate a "Challenge 25" proof of age scheme whereby any person attempting to buy alcohol who appears to be under 25 will be asked for photographic ID to prove their age. Acceptable identification for the purposes of age verification will include a driving licence, passport or photographic identification bearing the "PASS" logo and date of birth.
If the person seeking alcohol is unable to produce acceptable means of identification, no sale or supply of alcohol will be made to that person and a refusals book will be kept up to date. Challenge 25 signage will be displayed within the premises.
Each development has effective management of the premises, including written procedures for managing incidents.
McCarthy Stone and its catering partners ensure that staff receive proper training and refresher training on relevant issues, policies, and procedures.
CCTV, with a picture quality capable of being used for evidence, has been installed to cover the front entrance to the development. The CCTV will be operational at all times.
CCTV recordings will be retained for a minimum of 30 days and made available in a viewable format to any authorised authority on request.
Notices advising that CCTV has been installed on the premises are posted at the access door areas and within the premises so that they are clearly visible to the public within the licensed premises.
A refusals register will be kept and maintained at the premise which will record details of all refusals at the premise and will be made available to the Police and licensing authority for inspection on request.
Public Safety
The premises are not open to the public and the property is secured by a keypad entry to the premises by a video door entry system. All visitors are required to pre-arrange their visit with the homeowner and sign in on arrival.
We are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of our homeowners, so we have both the personnel and safety systems in place to achieve this. As such we work tirelessly to ensure the safety of everyone who lives in, works in or visits the development.
Alcohol is be served only on the premises. Neither alcohol nor glassware ever leaves the confines of the development.
We purchase toughened glassware to minimise the likelihood of broken glass if the glassware were to be dropped by accident.
We pride ourselves in the look and feel of all our developments ensuring that premises, both internally and externally, are always maintained in a good, clean, and tidy condition.
We carefully consider the needs of our homeowners who made need stepless access and space for mobility aids and scooters.
We take all elements of health & safety, fire safety and food hygiene very seriously. We fully complete risk assessments, for both the premises and proposed activities to be carried out. We regularly train and refresh the operational team on our safe systems of work. Firefighting equipment is in place; we test and check on a regular basis and conduct drills to ensure the effectiveness of our evacuation plans in the event of an emergency.
We have designating “safe spaces” within the premises in which vulnerable persons can be provided with assistance.
The Estates Manager, House Manager will always co-operate with police and Licensing Standards Officers including by allowing access to the premises and to all relevant policies and procedures.
McCarthy Stone have suitable litter and waste management programmes in place including provisions for recycling.
All staff involved in the sale of alcohol are trained in their responsibilities under the Licensing Act 2003, with refresher training undertaken every six months. All training is recorded and signed by the trained staff member. The personal licence holder for the development formally authorises members of staff to serve alcohol, once he/she has checked the training records and is comfortable that the individual clearly understands their responsibilities. Adequate supervision is proved by the catering partner, Estate or House Manager.
McCarthy Stone conducts regular testing and certification (where appropriate) of appliances.
The Estate/ House Manager, as part of their role, regularly check all areas of the development to ensure the safety of all homeowners, the development staff, and any visitors.
The lay-out of the communal areas does not feature a bar counter. The consumption of alcohol takes place at a restaurant table or in low level lounge furniture.
As the development provides a care service to some of the homeowners, first aid items and defibrillation equipment and appropriately trained staff are available in the case of an emergency.
A fire risk assessment required under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (as amended) will be completed and be available for inspection by an authorised officer.
Valid public liability insurance shall be kept in force and a copy of the schedule will be displayed at the venue and made available for inspection by an authorised Local Authority or Police Officer on request.
The premises shall be equipped with a CCTV system that shall comply with the following criteria:
• The system shall be maintained in proper working order
• The system shall display on any recording the correct time and date of the recording
• Digital recordings shall be held for a minimum of 31 days after the recording is made and will be made available to the Police for inspection upon request.
The sale of alcohol shall be limited to homeowners and their invited guests.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
The sale of alcohol in the development is very limited and is supported by dining facilities and an extensive range of cold soft drinks and hot beverages. Chilled tap water is always available as standard.
Alcohol is be served only on the premises. Neither alcohol nor glassware ever leaves the confines of the development.
The premises are not open to the public and the property is secured by a keypad entry to the premises by a video door entry system. All visitors are required to pre-arrange their visit with the homeowner and sign in on arrival.
McCarthy Stone is committed to making sure that the sale of alcohol doesn’t affect neighbouring properties.
There will be no amplified music played, no outdoor drinking and no excessive noise. This is not appropriate for the profile of the development homeowners.
No litter will be created outside/around the development.
The development offers a very limited alcohol range (none of which will be premium strength products) and sales are very limited on the premises, largely for people aged +70 years and their guests - all of whom will be specifically invited, and/or bona fide relatives or friends of residents. The consumption of alcohol would generally take place with a meal (such as Sunday Lunch) however, occasionally groups of homeowners may choose to gather for a social drink or for an organised event in the communal area of the development.
Protection of Children from Harm
It is rare that anyone under the age of 18 to frequent the premises. On occasions, younger family members may visit homeowners and, in such circumstances, unless attending a meal, they are unlikely to go to an area where alcohol is served. If dining, the youngster will be under the supervision of both the homeowner and other responsible adults.
The premises will operate a "Challenge 25" proof of age scheme whereby any person attempting to buy alcohol who appears to be under 25 will be asked for photographic ID to prove their age. Acceptable identification for the purposes of age verification will include a driving licence, passport or photographic identification bearing the "PASS" logo and date of birth.
If the person seeking alcohol is unable to produce acceptable means of identification, no sale or supply of alcohol will be made to that person and a refusals book will be kept up to date. Challenge 25 signage will be displayed within the premises.
The premises are not open to the public and the property is secured by a keypad entry to the premises by a video door entry system. All visitors are required to pre-arrange their visit with the homeowner and sign in on arrival.
All persons under 18 will always be accompanied by an adult.