1. The lighting for the hall and car park must be maintained and used appropriately when the hall is being used.
2. The electrical system at the premises, including portable appliances must be inspected and tested annually by a competent person and a satisfactory safety report obtained. A competent person must be a suitably qualified electrician who is registered with the ECA or NICEIC.
3. The fire safety measures with which the premises are provided must be maintained in good working order, and their adequacy must be determined on a regular basis, by the carrying out of a fire risk assessment as required by, and in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
4. All safety certificates and inspection reports must be kept on site and made available for inspection by officers of relevant statutory bodies.
5. The licence holder or a person nominated by the licence holder must ensure that at any event where children are present the hirers have a nominated responsible adult present at the event.
6. The licensable activities authorised by this licence will be confined to the areas that are outlined in RED on the plan deposited with and approved by the Licensing Authority.