1. Due to location and clientele Door Supervisors will not normally be required but if in the opinion of the Premises Supervisor door supervision is required such Door Supervisor will be:-
2. Registered with the Security Industry Authority.
3. Will display a correct name badge.
4. Will carry proof of registration.
5. Will be used as a ratio to be agreed by the Police and Local Authority (current suggestion is 1:75).
6. There be no less than two Door Supervisors.
7. Will be in attendance at the entrance of the premises from 10.00 pm until the main exit doors of the premises doors are closed.
8. CCTV will be installed operated and maintained to the satisfaction of the Police and Local Authority.
9. Recordings will be retained for one month.
10. The CCTV equipment will be checked on a regular basis.
11. If the CCTV equipment is inoperative the Police and the Local Authority will be informed as soon as possible and immediate steps to be taken to restore the equipment to full working order.
12. A notice will be displayed at the entrance to the premises advising that CCTV is in operation.
13. No customer carrying open or sealed bottles or glasses will be admitted to the premises at any time.
14. All bottles and glasses and rubbish will be removed from public areas on a regular and frequent basis.
15. A proof of age policy to the satisfaction of the Police and Local Authority will be in place.
16. There shall be no happy hours.
17. Rumours Wine Bar has a zero intolerance to drugs and its use or supply on the premises will result in:-
12. Report to the Police.
13. Banning from the premises
14. Staff will attend drug awareness courses if the opportunity presents itself.
15. A ‘customer code of conduct’ poster will be displayed warning customers that if they act in an inappropriate manner they could be barred from all licensed premises in the vicinity.
16. A notice stating clearly that children under 14 must be in the company of a parent/guardian or responsible adult.
17. An incident book will be kept detailing any instances of public disorder or matters affecting licence e.g. attempt to buy alcohol underage.
18. All exit doors will be easily operable without the use of a key card, code or similar means and will be available for egress while the public are on the premises.
19. Means of escape will be maintained unobstructed immediately available and clearly identifiable.
20. Exit doors will be regularly checked to ensure they function satisfactorily.
21. Records of these checks will be kept and produced on request.
22. All fire doors will be maintained effectively self-closing and shall not be held open other than by approved devices.
23. All gangways, exit ways, treads of steps or stairways will be maintained with non-slippery and even surfaces.
24. All floor coverings will be secured and maintained so they will not ruck.
25. Mats will be fitted into a mat well so as to be flush with the floor surface.
26. Hangings, curtains and temporary decoration will be maintained in a flame retardant condition.
27. Upholstered seating will be fire retardant and compliant with current Fire Safety Regulations.
28. Fire drill will be conducted monthly.
29. Records of these tests will be made available to the Licensing Authority upon request.
30. All fire exits and means of escape will be signed in accordance with BS5499.
31. Wall and ceiling finishes will be fire resistant.
32. When disabled people are present adequate arrangements will exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.
33. Adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials will be available on the premises.
34. There shall be a nominated First Aider.
35. The First Aider shall check the first aid equipment and materials at least once a month.
36. Emergency lighting will be installed to the satisfaction of the Fire Officer before April 2006 thereafter in the absence of adequate daylight the lighting in any area accessible to the public will be fully operational.
37. Fire safety signs will be adequately illuminated.
38. Emergency lighting will not be altered.
39. Emergency lighting batteries will be fully charged before the admission of the public.
40. Emergency lighting tests will be conducted monthly.
41. Records of these tests will be made available to the Licensing Authority upon request.
42. All lavatories, urinals and wash basins shall at all times be kept in good order and repair and be properly and effectually cleaned, ventilated and disinfected and supplied with water and all necessary requisites and all doors leading thereto shall be suitably marked.
43. The premises will have a satisfactory NICEIC or ECA periodical electrical installation report.
44. An inspection will be carried out every year and a new report obtained each time.
45. Once fitted the premises will have a satisfactory NICEIC or EC periodic emergency lighting report.
46. An inspection will be carried out every year and a new report obtained each time.
47. The premises will have a Corgi certificate of inspection in respect of any gas boiler, calorifiers or appliance.
48. An inspection will be carried out every year and a new report obtained each time.
49. The premises will have a suitable public liability insurance in the sum of not less than £2,000,000 (Two Million Pounds).
50. A certificate will be obtained and each time displayed at the premises.
51. The premises will have a Certificate of Inspection for Portable Fire Fighting Equipment.
52. An inspection is carried out regularly and a new certificate obtained each time.
53. A variation of the premises licence will be sought for any alteration of the premises which would make it impossible to comply with the operating schedule.
54. Free drinking water will be made available at all times the premises is open to the public.
55. A list of local taxi firms and their telephone numbers will be prominently displayed.
56. Prominent clear and legible notices will be displayed at all exits requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and the area quietly.
57. A crime prevention policy agreed by the Police and Licensing Authority will be in place if required.
58. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or responsible adult.
59. A proof of age policy to the satisfaction of Police and Local Authority will be enforced.
60. The licensable activities authorised by this licence will be confined to the areas that are hatched in PINK on the plan accompanying the licence.